Data protection

Your data is in safe hands with us. The processing of your personal data at (homepage) is done in line with the applicable data protection legislation. With this Privacy Statement we wish to inform you of how your personal data is actually processed when you visit our websites and use our app.

Privacy Statement from: March 2018

1. Responsible office

DETAIL Architecture GmbH
Messerschmittstraße 4
80992 Munich

Tel: +49 89 – 38 16 20-0
Fax: +49 89 – 38 16 20-77

Data Protection Representative:

Schloßbergstraße 28
38315 Hornburg
Tel.: +49 5334 / 9488467

2. Data collected and the purpose of data processing

We collect personal data on the basis of your consent to fulfil a contract with you and/or to fulfil a statutory obligation. Personal data is all information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person.

2.1 Usage data

Whenever you visit our homepage, the webshop or use our app we collect usage data:

  • Time and date of your access
  • Browser type and version
  • Operating system
  • Computer data
  • IP address (anonymised).

We store this usage data separately from other information. We process the usage data only for statistical purposes, to ensure system security, for technical improvement and to optimise the service offered.

2.2 Data when ordering from the webshop

When you place an order in our webshop we collect the following data:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Telephone no.
  • E-mail address
  • Payment data
  • VAT no. (optional)
  • Fax (optional)

We process the personal data collected from you because it is needed to complete the transaction.

3. Data disclosure

Personal data will only be disclosed to third parties or contractors of order processors if this is necessary for the relevant purposes. We pass on personal data to specialised service providers, for instance dispatch and payment service providers. Disclosure to foreign states occurs only where this is expressly stated in this Privacy Statement.

In so doing, we ensure through appropriate measures that the third parties provide an appropriate level of protection for the personal data.

4. Deletion of the data

The stored personal data is deleted when you rescind your consent to its processing, when the data is no longer needed to fulfil the purpose pursued by its storage or when storage of the data is or becomes inadmissible for other legal reasons. Upon deletion or freezing of the data the corresponding services can no longer be used.

5. Newsletter and e-mail advertising

5.1 Newsletter

We are happy to keep you informed about exciting projects, news from our blog on architectural and design topics, worthwhile information on research and current events in our newsletter, if you have given your consent to this or if this is in line with statutory regulations.

With your registration (double opt-in procedure) for the newsletter you declare your consent to receive the newsletter. The data collected (title, name, e-mail address) is used only to send the newsletter.

Our newsletter is sent by MailChimp, a service provided by The Rocket Science Group LLC. MailChimp transmits data to the USA. The Rocket Science Group LLC is certified under Privacy Shield, therefore the European standard on data protection is guaranteed. The data protection regulations of MailChimp can be found here: MailChimp collects and processes usage data of the newsletter. The data collected is used for technical improvement and optimisation of newsletter service.

You can rescind your consent to receive the newsletter and the associated processing of data at any time. Rescission is effected via a link in the newsletter or by informal notification to DETAIL Architecture GmbH, Messerschmittstraße 4, 80992 Munich or an e-mail to

Declaration of consent to receive the newsletter:

I consent to DETAIL Architecture GmbH regularly sending me individualised exciting news and events by e-mail. The processing of my personal data is to be done in line with statutory provisions. I can rescind my consent in respect of DETAIL Architecture GmbH at any time.

5.2 E-mail advertising in accordance with § 7 (3) UWG

We are entitled within the context of the statutory permission under § 7 (3) of the German Act Against Unfair Competition (UWG) to use the e-mail address given by you in your order for direct advertising for similar products or services of our own. If you no longer wish to receive advertising for similar products or services you can unsubscribe your e-mail address at any time without incurring any costs other than the costs of transmission in line with basic rates. The possibility to unsubscribe is contained in every advertising e-mail.

6. Your rights

6.1 Right of rescission

You have the right to rescind the consents you have given to the processing of your personal data at any time with effect for the future.

Such rescission does not affect the legality of processing done on the basis of your consent up to the date of rescission.

6.2 Right to information

You have the right to demand to be informed free of charge of the personal data stored. If you so request, the information can also be sent electronically.

6.3 Correction, deletion and restriction of data

You have the right to demand the correction, deletion or restriction of the personal data relating to you. Upon deletion or blocking of your data, you will however no longer be able to use the associated services.

Your right to deletion can be excluded by statutory retention duties.

6.4 Data export

You have the right to receive from us in machine-readable form the data which we process through automatic procedures and to whose usage you have given your consent, or to have this data transmitted to other responsible persons.

6.5 Enforcement of your rights

You can enforce your rights by sending an informal notification to DETAIL Architecture GmbH, Messerschmittstraße 4, 80992 Munich or an e-mail to

In case of complaints you can also contact the responsible supervisory authority for data protection in Ansbach.

7. Data security

We protect your personal data from risks associated with data processing, in particular unauthorised access, utilisation or publication. For this purpose we have appropriate technical and organisational measures in place which are in line with the latest technological standards.

8. Cookies and tracking tools

We use temporary session cookies and permanent cookies. Cookies are text files which are stored on your terminal and which enable an analysis of how the homepage, webshop and app are used. We use cookies and other data collection tools to collect data which helps us to personalise the services we offer.

For this we use the following tools:

8.1 Google Analytics

The homepage and webshop use Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics enables analysis of how users are utilising the site. The information collected includes, e.g. information on the operating system, screen, your IP address, website views called up, the date and time of your visit to our website. The information created on your use of the website is generally transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there. We have activated IP anonymisation. This means that your IP address will be shortened by Google before transmission within the Member States of the European Union or in other states which are signatories to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address by transmitted to a Google server in the USA and shortened there. Google uses this information on behalf of the website operator to analyse your use of the website, compile reports on activities within the app and to provide other services associated with use of the website to the provider of the app. The IP address transmitted within the context of Google Analytics is not associated with other information by Google.

You can prevent the transmission of data related to your use of the website (including your IP address) to Google and processing of this data by Google by deactivating Google Analytics in your browser.

Further information on conditions of use and data protection can be found at or We wish to inform you that the configuration of Google Analytics on this website ensures the anonymised collection of IP addresses (known as IP masking).

9. Social Plugins

We use social plugins (“plugins”) of social networks.

In order to increase the protection of your data when using our website, these plugins are not unrestricted, but instead are only incorporated into the site using HTML links (known as the “Shariff solution”). This ensures that using the site does not enable the creation of any connection to the servers of the provider of the relevant social network. When you click on one of the social media buttons a new window is opened and the page of the relevant service provider is called up on which you (possibly after entering your login data) can, for instance, press the Like or Share button.

Please see the data protection information of the providers for details as to the purpose and scope of data collection and the further processing and use of the data by the providers on their sites, as well as your rights in this respect and configuration options for the protection of your privacy.